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Lava Docs πŸ“‘

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Testnet is up and running!

Welcome testers! Thank you for joining the testnet. If you find errors in our docs, please consider contributing!

Overview πŸ”β€‹

Today, RPC & data infrastructure is not up to par for scaling Ethereum, its rollups and all other blockchains. Lava’s novel architecture aims to offer developers fast, reliable and accurate access to any chain. RPC is the first service on Lava, but we will be expanding to subgraphs, oracles and more.

Lava is built as an application-specific L1 PoS Blockchain, based on CosmosSDK. The protocol introduces a primitive called β€œspecs”. Specs are modules defining APIs in JSON-format, which can then be served by the network of providers to meet demand. We envision a modular economy for data infrastructure for web3 and beyond.

Lava documentation is intended to be the definitive reference for all technical aspects of Lava Protocol. For other information about Lava Network, please visit our blog or review our new research!

Getting started πŸŒͺ️​

Version Information ℹ️​

Lava Version
Go Version> 1.20.5
CosmosSDK v0.47
Current Testnetlava-testnet-2
Docs VersionN/A